The Art of Cowry Shell Divination
~This is the 4th Session of an Ongoing Training~
**Only Previously Registered Participants may attend the February 9th-12th Session.
A New Cowry Shell Divination Year-Long Training will begin in
Orlando, Florida
Join a year-long training in COWRY SHELL DIVINATION
with Elder Malidoma!
The Training Program
Welcome to this yearlong cowry shell divination training, a program designed to bring you up to date on the interpretation of symbols and elemental geomancy. This program comprises four sessions. Each session is a milestone on the journey to mastery of this skill.
Weekend 1: Understanding the elementals.
We will study the cosmology under which this type of cowry shell divination operates.
Weekend 2: Understanding the symbol and its position on the cloth.
Weekend 3: The art of prescription. Divination and ritual healing.
Weekend 4: Deepening the practice and certification ritual.
- There will be suggested readings and audio lectures between workshops.
Weekend Training Course Dates:
November 19-20 , 2016
March 18-19, 2017
June 24-25, 2017
October 19-22, 2017
Time: Saturdays 9-6pm & Sunday 8-12
Location: Orlando, Florida
CLICK for Additional Details and Registration!