A Gathering of Men, Germany: August 31st – September 4th

Mar 24

A Note from Malidoma:

Modernity puts a deep pressure on men. Too many stressful expectations and duties erode the deeper sense of self needed to feel comfort and provide a good healthy living. Trapped in the quiet struggle to be who we are, we succumb more often to the pressures of impossible out of reach ideals and, over time, settle in the quiet pain of defeat. We need to let the longing to be together as men free from all this, draw us together.

Perhaps it is our indigenous selves that are the missing link. Perhaps our journeys in this plane lack the mythological, spiritual ingredients that could have made all the difference right from the beginning. More importantly it may just be that we are out of touch with our ancestors, and with the Earth Mother altogether. This is what is at the core of men’s work. Masculinity is not about competition and material success at all cost. Our masculinity is more than the gender it implies. It is not a waste of time to rethink these issues. In fact our integrity demands that we re-examine who we are as men.

Join me in discovering the male mode of being the indigenous way. Together, we can explore, through rituals and ceremonies the beauty of the mother in us, and the greatness of being nurturers. Together, we can tackle with boldness the forces of adversity that are keeping us less than we are. We will get there by way of healing ourselves from the wounds of misfired dreams, the scares of defeat, and the un-shed tears of failures. We will learn how to be with one another as men by sifting through the scattered debris of our life journey, and learn a lot from each other.

As we open our hearts to one another, the gold hidden in our wounds will begin to show in ways never seen before: the mythological embrace of ourselves, larger than life. Let us reconnect with Nature and our true nature; let us cleanse ourselves and join with the loving Earth. This is what we will be working on in these five days.

I look forward to seeing you and to being with you.
Malidoma Somé

During this workshop Malidoma Somé is assisted and translated by Manuel Aicher (www.manuel-aicher.com)



Rotis im Allgäu (www.rotis.de).
15 miles from Airport Memmingen: www.allgaeuairport.com; train station Leutkirch

Board and Lodging

550 EUR fees for workshop
390 EUR lodging including materials
100 EUR fee for single room


Further information and subscription:
Manuel Aicher
e-mail: aicher@aicherweb.com
phone: 044 742 20 82 (Switzerland)
0041 44 742 20 82 (other countries)