Annual Community Grief Ritual: 5-day Intensive~ Asheville, NC: October 3rd -7th, 2018

Jun 13

 Grief must be approached as the release of the tension created by separation and disconnection from someone or something that matters. Grief does not necessarily come on demand. It is something that must be evoked through stories and images…to help pluck out that which causes tension, paralysis and distress. Every grief story has similar elements. This is why one story invites another.

In the village there is an opportunity to grieve daily because there is death almost everyday.  And funeral rituals last long enough to produce a continual opportunity for the expression of grief.  It takes a great deal of involvement within a community for grief to be expressed freely.  It is the presence of the community that validates the expression of grief.

Communal grief therefore provides the opportunity to reach that important cathartic peak that grief must logically lead to.

Grief is an energy that works at mellowing the mind, heart and body.  An agitated or prolonged expression of grief exhausts the body to the point where rest is needed.  One notices that a baby sometimes cries heavily before going to sleep.  Grief takes us to the top of the hill and then lets us walk back down slowly, peacefully.  It helps relieve the person who is in sorrow and leads him or her toward acceptance of the phenomenon of death, separation and love.

Brittany’s Mountain Retreat/ Ancestral Events

Such a Gathering/Ritual is appropriate for anyone who, for whatever reason, and in whatever way, is experiencing loss, transition or Grief:  from the death of loved ones; the loss of a job or friendship; deep feelings re: the state of affairs in one’s personal life, cultural or planetary grief; honoring beginnings and ending within one’s stations of life: marriage, birth, divorce, illness, family situations, issues with children.

A special message from Malidoma:

“We are very excited at the idea that you are considering joining us for this event. For three days we will be in ritual during the night just the way it is done in Africa, and processing during the day. This is an attempt to go as deep down as possible and, in the process, peal as many layers of grief as possible.  The usual way has mostly only been a one night shot in which people were expected to dump as much grief as possible. But most people only succeeded in scratching a layer or two. In a culture where grief is not common regular practice, some people returned home to feel like they have just begun. We are implementing a new format to resolve this issue and to prevent the unexpected swelling up of grief at a time when they are back to their routine.”


You have the choice of a variety of housing options to suit your budget~ all located within a safe environment. As well, the intensive includes delicious meals to nourish the body or  you may choose to bring your own food.

For Additional Details and/or to Receive your Registration Packet,

please e-mail

As there are preparations to be made on your behalf, please submit your Registration and Deposit not later than SEPTEMBER 30th.