with Elder Malidoma Somé
November 28th – December 2nd, 2018
Asheville, NC
Connecting with the Kontomblé engages us in an ongoing conversation with the Other World. Because these beings are constantly reaching out to us, it is normal to respond; the channel is a two-way road complete with a steady traffic of communication. An active contribution and participation to this two-way road provides us with clarity and comfort in what these Kontomblé people want from us, and allows us to tell them what we need from them.
To do so, we will enter and work within their shrine. Because they need an earthly form to enter into, we must first give it to them in the form and shape they like. We will then spend the night in conversation, a dialogue on wisdom and on inquiries into specific issues that pertain to our lives as healers, and on ways to implement health and abundance.
See this as a confluence that merges this world to the other and celebrates continuity. We will learn how to lend our vocal selves to the other world and how to stay out of the way for them to speak to us and through us; to speak in us and with us. We must be the vessels they need to guide us through.
For those who have been working with the Kontomblé this is a chance to ground your work ever deeper with guidance from Elder Malidoma. *Please Note– there is a discounted fee for those who have previously merged with the Kontomblé under the direct guidance of Elder Malidoma.
For those who are new to working with the Kontomblé, this is your chance to work with Elder Malidoma & Kontomblé directly.
Note: EARLY Registration = savings!!
Tuition for this 5-Day Ritual Intensive with Elder Malidoma ranges from: $810- $1200 depending on your meal and lodging preferences and WHEN you Register:
EARLY (ends 8/28), REGULAR (between 8/29 & 10/28) or LATE (after 10/29) REGISTRATION.
To Receive Additional Information/ Application, please e-mail info@AncestralEvents.com