BEYI is a traditional Dagara ritual in which one has the rare and unique opportunity to explore, deepen and bring forth one’s purpose, while being seen & supported within community. One is witnessed and honored as they further embody their true spiritual name. Each of us, together with our Ancestors, determined why we would incarnate on the Earth at this time.
BEYI is a ritual that offers those who are yearning to birth their purpose, and step more fully into their leadership & wisdom~ an opportunity to do so withe the support of a loving community. BEYI is a three-day ritual led by Elder Malidoma Somé and supported by other Elders and Bokara~ who will be there to assist you with the unearthing of your purpose in this world. Encouragement and the embodiment and sharing of one’s personal medicine is present.
BEYI is available to any person who feels their gift, their purpose pressing from within, ready to expand forth even more into this world.
BEYI offers clarity about oneself, and the gift of leadership that will be offered to one’s family, community ad world.
This is an extraordinary opportunity to reach into the realm of ancient wisdom, touch the heart of your soul, and hear your Medicine Name resonating with the pulse of your purpose for being here at this time.
Elder Malidoma is uniquely gifted to enter the Other World and ‘hear’ your name calling to you from the Other Side.
BEYI Ritual: June 29-July 1, 2018 will be held 12 miles NW of Asheville, NC at Ancestral Events/Brittany’s Mountain Retreat. Options for Lodging Onsite include camping, or various indoor accommodations. Meals are provided for you onsite or you may being your own meals and cooler if you prefer.
Friday: Arrive anytime after 4pm to settle in. We will dine together at 6pm and have the Opening Circle with Elder Malidoma after dinner.
Saturday: BEYI Ritual Immersion
Sunday: Completion of BEYI Ritual & Closing Circle will complete by 1pm
**Tuition Fee: will be paid as described in Registration paperwork. Tuition = $500
Lodging & Meal fees: will be paid directly to the venue as described in the Registration paperwork. Lodging & Meal fees for this 3-Day Intensive range from $100-$275
*Note: A Late Registration Fee of $50 will be added to those Registrations/Payments that are received after May 31st.
Join us for this powerful experience with Elder Malidoma amidst the beautiful blue-ridge mountains of North Carolina!
To receive additional details and/or your Registration forms, please
*NOTE: Elder Malidoma will be offering Private Divinations in Asheville, NC prior to the BEYI Ritual. If you are interested in scheduling a Private Divination on June 28th, please contact