You’re Invited to
During this live webinar, Elder Malidoma will generously gift us by sharing some of the wisdom, insight and teachings that he has received throughout this past 35 (+) years of offering Private Divinations to thousands of individuals.
As you may know, Elder Malidoma has begun to offer certification training in the art of cowry shell divination. Connecting with another through the experience of cowry shell divination offers a sacred bridge that links the consciousness of this world with the medicine of the Otherworld and the wisdom of the Ancestors.
Elder Malidoma is inspired at this time to invite you to delve deeper into the world of cowry shell divination as he shares with you the benefits that this art can bring to you; individually, to your family, to your village, to your clients, to your greater community and the world as a whole.
Enroll now!! (please be aware that the number of participants is limited)
Free introductory webinar :
Date: Monday, February 19th
Time: 8-9pm EST (5-6pm PST)
Enroll here: LINK to Register for Free Webinar