~Evening Gathering and Public Talk with Elder Malidoma~
Rainier Arts Center
Event room (basement)
3515 South Alaska St, Seattle Wa 98118

“Connecting with the Ancestors during the Year of Fire”
Thursday, April 20th
7pm – 9pm
For additional Details for this event, please contact :
Queen Mae Butters at: QueenButters@gmail.com
Private Divinations with Elder Malidoma
Seattle, WA
April 21st, 22nd & 23rd
Experiencing a personal divination with Elder Malidoma is a beautiful, empowering and healing manifestation of Spirit. It is an opportunity to hear direction from the realm of the Ancestors and to connect, more deeply, with what you know “in your bones”.
COST: $300 U.S. dollars (prepaid & nonrefundable)