Philadelphia, PA~ Public Talk: May 19th & Private Divinations: May 20th & 21st

Mar 20

Join Elder Malidoma in

Philadelphia, PA


When: Friday, May 19, 2017~  5:30pm to 7:30pm

Where: University of Penn’s Campus, Houston Hall, 2nd Floor, Room: Class of 1949
3417 Spruce Street, Philadelphia , PA

For Additional Information about the Public Talk:

Purchase Tickets at:   LINK HERE

or contact Sheila Quarles at Inner Journeys, 202-905-1030, or


When: Saturday, May 20th & Sunday, May 21st


Experiencing a personal divination with Elder Malidoma is a beautiful, empowering and healing manifestation of Spirit. It is an opportunity to hear direction from the realm of the Ancestors and to connect, more deeply, with what you know “in your bones”.

Malidoma utilizes cowry shell divination for his sessions. You will be asked to spread a pile of shells, bones, stones, and other implements on a special “divination cloth”. This spread is what Malidoma will read and interpret to bring a message about your life and purpose for being on the planet at this time.

The message will also be about finding balance with the Elemental Spirits of Earth, Water, Fire, Nature and Mineral.

Private Divination sessions are $300 (pre-paid & non-refundable)

For more information or to schedule your divination, please contact