Evening Gathering & Talk with Elder Malidoma near Vancouver, Canada: July 13th, 2019

Jul 05

Squamish, British Columbia, Canada

(Near Vancouver, Canada)


Evening Talk with Elder Malidoma Somé

Saturday, July 13th


For Details and Registration, please contact

Vancouver Evening Talk Registration HERE

**Please Register by July 11th at the latest!  Thank you  🙂


Private Divination with Elder Malidoma

Vancouver, Canada

July 14th, 15th & 16th 2019

“Healing comes when the individual remembers his or her identity, the purpose chosen in the world of ancestral wisdom, and reconnects with that world of Spirit.”
-Malidoma Somé

Malidoma divinationsExperiencing a personal divination with Malidoma is a beautiful, empowering and healing manifestation of Spirit. It is an opportunity to hear direction from the realm of the Ancestors and to connect, more deeply, with what you know “in your bones”.

For questions and/or to schedule a private divination with Elder Malidoma, 

please contact info@malidoma.com