MEN’s 4-Day Ritual Intensive with Malidoma Somé: November 4-7, 2021

May 06

For the MEN:

-A Gathering of Men with Malidoma Somé-

-Indigenous Wisdom for Current Issues-

4-Day Men’s Ritual Intensive

You’re invited to join Malidoma Somé
for a Men’s 4-DAY Ritual Intensive

“Men of Spirit Healing Deeply Together “
-Bringing Forth Your Gift, Purpose and Medicine-

November 4-7, 2021
Asheville, NC

-During this 4-Day ritual intensive, men will join together in brotherhood to journey into and through ancient indigenous Dagara wisdom- remembering that we are, each of us, going somewhere purposeful in life.

-Through the healing interaction of ritual with men in community and the power of indigenous technologies there will be an opportunity to open ourselves to the release and reconciliation of those thoughts, emotions, issues, obstacles and energies- that have created a numbness, tension, or paralysis for us.

We well invoke the power of the Ancestors and the Otherworld to assist us in transforming our relationship with the systems of oppression: both internal and external.

During this 4-Day ritual intensive, men will join together in brotherhood to journey into and through ancient indigenous Dagara wisdom- remembering that we are, each of us, going somewhere purposeful in life. Through the healing interaction of ritual with men in community~ combined with the power of indigenous technologies,  there will be an opportunity to open ourselves to the release and reconciliation of those thoughts, emotions, issues, obstacles and energies- that have created a numbness, tension, or paralysis for us.

Through this process, we will invite and allow the life force and strength of our Purpose and Gift to, once again, flow through us- unobstructed. We will support one another in our ability to receive support and affirmation as we begin Manifesting our Dreams and Visions on this planet.

Such a Gathering/Ritual Weekend is appropriate for any man who, for whatever reason, and in whatever way in life: is hearing the call and moving forward into the world- embracing ever deeper his Purpose and Gift and Manifesting his highest Dreams and Visions:  even as he maneuvers transitions, introspection or questioning; experiences feelings of apathy, loss, or anger; grief; trauma from the past that continues to impact the present; and is aware of deep feelings regarding the state of affairs in one’s personal life, culture or planetary state.

In the midst of all the beginnings and endings within his stations of life: marriage, birth, death, divorce, illness, family situations, issues with children- he receives acknowledgment, support and affirmation from the brotherhood of men who travel beside him. He receives affirmation and support in the Manifestation of his highest Dreams and Visions.

As we move foreward on our chosen path, let us remember- and experience together- that we do not walk alone.
As we remember and embody the innate power that lies within us, let us continue to allow & receive support from both this world, and the Otherworld, as we deepen the embodiment of our Purpose & Gift and move forward with the focus of Manifestation.

We will gather together amidst the blue ridge mountains of North Carolina- located just 12 miles NW of Asheville, NC.

On-site Lodging options include camping or indoor accommodations (first come first serve for limited # of private rooms, shared rooms and beds). Eight Meals will be provided for you onsite, or you may choose to bring your own food.

Tuition for this 4-day Men’s Ritual Intensive with Elder Malidoma depends on your preferences for lodging & meals, and the date that  you Register with your Application and Deposit.


The Tuition Fee for this 4-Day Intensive ranges from:

EARLY Registration (register with your Application & non-refundable $300 deposit by August 4th) =$765- $980 or

REGULAR Registration (register with your Application & non-refundable $300 deposit between August 5th and October 4th & +$50)=$815-$1030 or

LATE Registration (register with you Application & non-refundable $300 deposit after October 5th  +$100)= $865-$1080

For additional information and/or to receive your Application for this intensive,


Please Note: REGISTRATION Closes on September 4th, 2021


Venue: Brittany’s Mountain Retreat~  Asheville, North Carolina