Join Elder Malidoma as he journeys to the homeland and returns to his childhood village.
During your time in Burkina Faso, Elder Malidoma will be overseeing all aspects of this journey on your behalf.
He will share with you the wisdom and knowledge that he has acquired for more than 60 years on the continent of Africa.
You will be given the opportunity to work with local diviners and local elders.
You will be immersed in the the culture and traditions of the Dagara people: including but not limited to:
-Working with Kontomblé Diviners
-Participating in Ancestor-based Rituals
-Visiting specific Shrines and participating in Ritual at Elder Malidoma’s compound and at the Kontomblé Diviner’s compound
-Experiencing Cultural Activities and Traditional Music/Dance
-Visiting Sacred Places and participating in Ritual within Nature- e.g. Kontomblé Cave
To reserve your space for this journey please submit
Your $500 DEPOSIT and Application ASAP
To Receive more information and all of the Details about this powerful opportunity, please e-mail