Join the growing global movement for healing, justice, and reconciliation at the third annual
Movies & Meaning Festival
Together we’ll experience films that awaken the spirit, community rituals that renew joy, and explore this year’s theme of Hope in the Dark: how can we dispel despair, embrace beauty, and strategize and work for a better world?
Part of the growing global movement for nonviolent transformation, Movies & Meaning is a long weekend away in one of the most beautiful regions in America, featuring films, workshops, special speakers, readings, magic, and you.
Each year at the festival, we watch some of the most transcendent films ever made—both old and new—in one of the most magnificent theaters on earth. In between films, we’re inspired and challenged by guest speakers who work at the intersection of creativity, peace, social change, and wonder.
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Malidoma Somé & Alice Walker
This festival is a community where we practice being the way we want the world to be. It’s a gathering undertaken in hope.
Over one weekend, participants will be inspired and challenged by artists and activists who work at the intersection of creativity, peace, spirituality, and social change.
Films will serve as touchstones throughout the event, giving us chances to wonder, dream, and reflect on our world and our active place in making it. Unlike typical “film festivals,” Movies & Meaning emphasizes engagement and transformation over passive viewing. We’ll weave art throughout our time together as a means of reflection and change-making, learning how to make the world better through substantive action.
To Register for this event, please go to this Registration LINK