Humanity’s actions — and lack of action — are responsible for the critical state of water today. And humanity’s ingenuity is needed to cure the world’s water crises — and avoid serious, imminent disruption for business, people and the environment — requires far more than awareness, more than money, more than celebrity, more than expertise, more than risk analysis, more than investment, and more than technology.
Change requires meaningful, coordinated transformation — a fundamental change in mindset that motivates action. Positive action increases exponentially when new connections unite untapped sources of individual and social genius based on shared values.
In a time of water crises, Watershed will make hope visible. It will spark a global conversation around the value and values of water — across geographies, space, culture, and history.
WATERSHED: Replenishing Water Values for a Thirsty World (co-hosted by the Vatican and the Club of Rome) will reset the understood value and values of water by generating inspiring, lasting stories, educating and engaging an international audience, and heightening the urgency for action by policy makers, innovators, and the public. The event will take place March 22, World Water Day, at the Vatican.
What is WATERSHED: Watershed is that rare moment in human history, when people, ideas, and values align and unite to achieve something remarkable. On Wednesday, 22 March, World Water Day 2017, Pope Francis will inspire a global conversation that will help shift how the world values and understands its single most precious resource: water.
WATERSHED: March 22nd, 2017, World Water Day. 1:30pm – 7:00pm
(Immediately following Papal Address)
WATERSHED is co-hosted with the Vatican and the renowned think-tank, Club of Rome, in collaboration with Circle of Blue, with the participation of the joint UN/World High Level Panel on Water, The World Economic Forum Global Future Council on the Environment, and The Value Web. It will be the first in a series of programmes and activities slated for the next five years.
Following the General Audience with Pope Francis, an exceptional amalgam of people from every walk of life and every corner of the globe will initiate an extraordinary exchange of ideas around the global water crises. Experiences will be shared, opinions formed, and solutions presented. The objective is to align global perception with the immediate reality of water being the trigger for unrest and instability, as well as an opportunity for resolution and collaboration.
WATERSHED’s line-up of inspirational speakers, scientists, youth, and business leaders will be live-streamed from the Vatican, with the globally connected audience invited to digitally share stories of their struggles, their hopes, and their fears about the world’s water supplies, and bring new voices, content, stories, art, media, and workable solutions to light.
WATERSHED will consist of four main efforts:
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